FELLOWES DX5 空氣淨化機 Air Purifier
- 原價:$2,200.00 特價:$1,980.00/部 SAVE: 10%
適用面積: 105平方尺四段式過濾系統可過濾細小至0.3微米的微塵粒子、花粉、過敏原、塵蟎、霉菌、寵物皮毛及香煙味等,並有效隔除空氣中懸浮粒子達99.97%AeraSmart™智能感應器監察空氣質素並自動調節過濾風速;備有淨化度指示燈, 顯示室內空氣質素: 藍(潔淨)、黃(普通)、紅(污濁)。HEPA過濾網有效抑制細菌及霉菌生長活性碳過濾網有效去除異味有效舒緩哮喘及敏感 (根據Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America 2014 証書)Aera+™模式:特別適用於敏感或流感季節,自動調高35%過濾風速3段風速選擇,操作寧靜 <40 ~ <60 dB (分貝)更換HEPA過濾網或活性碳過濾網提示Effectively purifies air in medium rooms up to 105 square feet4-stage purification system removes 99.97% of airborne particles as small as 0.3 microns, including pollen and other allergens, dust mites, mold spores, pet dander and cigarette smokeAeraSmart™ Sensor monitors the air quality and automatically adjusts the fan speed purified to keep your air purified. Blue, amber, red lights indicate the purity of your airHEPA filter built-in with antimicrobial treatment which protects from the growth bacteria and fungiCarbon filter removes odors and captures large airborne particulatesCertified asthma & allergy friendly™ by the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of AmericaAera+™ Mode is designed for peak allergy conditions and increases air flow by 35% to remove allergens from your airFan Speed Indicator lets you manually adjust the fan speed setting – low, medium & high, with quiet operation <40~<60 dBFilter Change Indicators let you know when it is time to replace your Carbon or True HEPA filter